Dutch Gov’t Confiscates Thousands of Farms In Compliance With WEF Agenda

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

As the world continues to suffer due to the global food crisis engineered by the elite, the Dutch government has announced it is confiscating 3,000 farms across the country in compliance with the World Economic Forum’s climate change agenda.

The farms will be seized from farmers and shut down under a “compulsory purchase” order issued by the WEF-aligned Dutch government.

As Newspunch reported, farmer protests erupted over the summer following a government plan to reduce nitrogen emissions by 50% by 2030.

Farmers across the Netherlands, and in neighboring nations, shut down major highways to protest the tyrannical move and warn the public about the devastating impact on the food chain that will follow.

Many in the farming community and beyond believe the measures unfairly target the agricultural sector, especially considering Bill Gates was caught admitting to his inner circle that WEF-style climate change agenda is a “scam” that will not save the planet. WATCH:

However, the Dutch government is determined to press ahead with the WEF-aligned scheme.

Nitrogen Minister Christianne van der Wal announced that the government will conduct a “compulsory purchase” of large nitrogen emitters as part of a “voluntary,” one-time offer, Bloomberg reported.

Farmers will be offered a deal “well over” the value of the farm, according to the government plan.

However, farmers will have little say in the matter and will be booted from their farmland as the government shuts the farms down and repurposes the land.

In a Friday meeting with MPs, van der Wal asserted that “there is no better offer coming.”

Slay report:

In response to the decision, Executive Director of Consumers’ Research Will Hild told the Daily Caller “The Netherland’s war on farmers to pursue their ESG agenda serves as a stark warning.

“Americans should be vigilant against efforts by both governments and big Wall Street firms like BlackRock pushing these same dangerous ‘net zero’ carbon emissions targets here in the US.

“It is difficult to overstate the recklessness of undermining farmers during the greatest global food crisis in decades.

“This will likely exacerbate the food price inflation we are already experiencing.”

A political party called BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB), or Farmer-Citizen movement, has embraced the protests and currently ranks fourth in polls ahead of next year’s elections, The Guardian reported.

Reforming the “nitrogen law” will be the primary goal of the party, which has positioned itself as a voice for the needy, The Guardian claimed.

The Netherlands has become the world’s second-largest exporter of agricultural products after the United States, and provides vegetables for much of western Europe, Washington Post reported.

Over half of Dutch land is used for agriculture in addition to 24,000 acres worth of crops growing in greenhouses, the Post specified.

Despite limited land and a rainy climate, agricultural innovation geared towards less water usage and reduced carbon emissions has enabled the Netherlands to become a major exporter of agricultural and food technology, the Post explained.

As Slay News previously reported, a Dutch politician warned in July that the Netherlands’ government was planning to confiscate farms.

Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders released a bombshell letter showing the government wants to use the expropriated agricultural land to build centers for asylum seekers.

Wilders published a letter from the provincial government of Flevoland.

It states that the government will set up “a registration center for asylum seekers” on agricultural land expropriated by the devastating nitrogen laws.

The move to confiscate farms comes as the Netherlands suffers the highest increase in food prices seen in decades.

Baxter Dmitry
About Baxter Dmitry 5943 Articles
Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.


  1. Geen enkel land voert zijn eigen race tijdens deze invasie, omdat het allemaal een politieke agenda is die wordt geleid door de VN en naar voren wordt geschoven door de Joden en hun marionetten (politici). Meeste mensen gewoon niet zullen weten of begrijpen dat dit een politieke agenda is. Sommigen slagen er echter in te begrijpen dat de politici opzettelijk werken om moslims te importeren en de mensen te vervangen, maar daar houdt het op, ze zijn als een computer die niet verder kan omdat het programma het niet toestaat.

        • Kein Land führt bei dieser Invasion sein eigenes Rennen, weil es alles eine politische Agenda ist, die von den Vereinten Nationen geführt und von den Juden und ihren Marionetten (Politikern) vorangetrieben wird. Die meisten Menschen wollen einfach nicht wissen oder verstehen, dass dies eine politische Agenda ist. Einige schaffen es jedoch zu verstehen, dass Politiker absichtlich daran arbeiten, Muslime zu importieren und die Menschen zu ersetzen, aber das war’s auch schon, sie sind wie ein Computer, der nicht weitermachen kann, weil das Programm es nicht zulässt.

          Der Juden-Messianismus verbreitet seit fast zweitausend Jahren seine giftige Botschaft unter uns. Demokratische und kommunistische Universalismen sind neu, aber sie gekommen, um das alte Narrativ zu verstärken. Das sind der dieselben Ideale . . . Die transnationalen, transrassischen, transkulturellen Ideale, die diese Ideologien uns predigen (jenseits von Völkern, Rassen, Kulturen) und die tägliche Nahrung in unseren Schulen, in unseren Medien, in unserer Popkultur, bei unseren Universitäten und auf unseren Straßen sind, haben unser biosymbolische Identität und unser ethnischer Stolz auf ihren minimalen Ausdruck reduziert.

      • Gjin lân rint syn eigen race yn dizze ynvaazje, om’t it allegear in politike aginda is dy’t troch de Feriene Naasjes rinne en troch de Joaden en har marionetten (polityk) skood wurdt. De measte minsken wolle gewoan net witte of begripe dat dit in politike aginda is. Guon beheare lykwols te begripen dat politisy mei opsetsin dwaande binne om moslims te ymportearjen en de minsken te ferfangen, mar dat is it sa, se binne as in kompjûter dy’t net trochgean kin om’t it programma it net talit.

        Joadske messianisme hat al hast twatûzen jier syn giftige berjocht ûnder ús ferspraat. Demokratyske en kommunistyske universalismen binne nij, mar se binne kommen om it âlde ferhaal te fersterkjen. Dit binne deselde idealen . . . De transnasjonale, transrasiale, transkulturele idealen dy’t dizze ideologyen oan ús preekje (bûten ras, folken, kultuer) en binne it deistich iten yn ús skoallen, yn ús media, yn ús popkultuer, by ús universiteiten en op ús strjitten hawwe ús biosymboalysk Identiteit en ús etnyske grutskens fermindere ta har minimale útdrukking.

    • Het joodse messianisme verspreidt al bijna tweeduizend jaar zijn giftige boodschap onder ons. Democratische en communistische universalismen zijn nieuw, maar ze versterken het oude joodse verhaal. Dit zijn dezelfde idealen . . .

      De transnationale, transraciale, transculturele idealen die deze ideologieën ons prediken (verder dan ras, volkeren, cultuur) en die de dagelijkse kost zijn in onze scholen, in onze media, in onze popcultuur, op onze universiteiten en in onze straten, hebben onze biosymbolische Identiteit en onze etnische trots teruggebracht tot hun minimale uitdrukking.

  2. As the current fall and coming winter in the United States shows Earth is now in a Grand Solar Minimum, for the next 25~40 years, where the Sun’s radiant heat energy is less than the previous years that will decrease the CO2 content in the atmosphere.
    What we see in Netherlands is a false climate analysis that’s a Mental Illness.

  3. translated from Dutch:
    “No country is running its own race during this invasion, as it is all a political agenda led by the UN and pushed forward by the J(name that satanists hate to be called) and their puppets (politicians). Most people just won’t know or understand that this is a political agenda. However, some manage to understand that the politicians are deliberately working to import Muslims and replace the people, but it ends there, they are like a computer that cannot go further because the program does not allow it.”
    It is time to fight for our souls because they want to destroy every soul with an injection of the mark of the beast digital ID.
    Our souls are all we gentiles have left. They have destroyed or stolen everything else we once had.
    These demonic agents of Lucifer, have NOTHING that has not been stolen from the gentiles who received it from God Almighty. By some insane sense of guilt, for a crime that never happened, (con-game), the gentiles are now under total dictatorship of these demonic entities whose sole ambition is to bring HELL to earth.
    Hell is this: a place where there is NO truth, there is only the Belief in the LIES, that evil is good.
    America was once a nation of Christians, now it is a place like Hell where evil is considered good and the next step they will take is to make everything good and of God and heaven, forbidden and taboo, punishable by torture and death.
    They are going to destroy everything good and Holy replace it with what is as demonic and despicable as they are.
    They want to take your children and make them into adrenochrome.
    They have done it since they first arrived, with their Moloch Mammon iniquity antichrist religion=the money system they own and totally control for Lucifer. It is all from the J Bankers and yes, the UN is a den of Vipers, owned by the bankers.
    In China their “model nation”, all religions are banned and they must worship XI in place of Jesus Christ.

  4. Shame on Netherlands. Surrendering to Nazis without a fight. It’s time to rid Europe of socialist politicians and incarcerate WEF.

  5. To reduce manure in essence so they are shutting down factory farms which means more grain and more food overall available for humans. Come on Nwunch are you just a mouth piece for the meat industry?

      • The Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affair’s effects still reverberate today. Those events included a public trial and conviction of eight Egyptian Jews who carried out the covert operation, two of whom were subsequently executed; a retaliatory military incursion by Israel into Gaza that killed 39 Egyptians; a subsequent Egyptian–Soviet arms deal that angered American and British leaders, who then withdrew previously pledged support for the building of the Aswan Dam; the announced nationalization of the Suez Canal by Nasser in retaliation for the withdrawn support; and the subsequent failed invasion of Egypt by Israel, France, and Britain in an attempt to topple Nasser. In the wake of that failed invasion, France expanded and accelerated its ongoing nuclear cooperation with Israel, which eventually enabled the Jewish state to build nuclear weapons.
        In 1954, Israeli Military Intelligence (often known by its Hebrew abbreviation AMAN) activated a sleeper cell that had been tasked with setting off a series of bombs in Egypt. In this risky operation, a small number of Egyptian Jews were to bomb Western and Egyptian institutions in Egypt, hoping the attacks could be blamed on Egyptian opponents of the country’s leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, including members of the Muslim Brotherhood or the Communist Party. The ensuing chaos, it apparently was hoped, would persuade Western governments that Nasser’s regime was unstable and, therefore, unworthy of financial and other support.
        The operation started with the bombing of the Alexandria post office and, within a matter of weeks, six other buildings in Alexandria and Cairo also were targeted. But the Egyptian government was apparently told about the next bombing target, and the bomber was arrested. Eventually, Egyptian security rolled up the entire Israeli cell.
        The failed operation became a scandal and blame for the ill-conceived attempt is still not officially settled. During the 1954–55 trial of the bombers, however, Pinhas Lavon, Israel’s minister of defense, was painted as having approved the sabotage campaign and Lavon’s political enemies at home echoed the charge in early inquiries into the matter. Subsequent Israeli investigations suggest that Lavon was framed, to divert attention from other Israeli leaders, but the incident has retained the name given at the time: the Lavon Affair.
        This ill-conceived false-flag operation failed, embarrassingly, to accomplish its goal of undermining Nasser. Although usually ignored or portrayed as an intramural political fight among high-level Israeli politicians, the Lavon Affair also played a major role in setting in motion a chain of events that led to Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons, via scientific and military cooperation with France. Narratives of the affair—including this one—are hampered by Israeli government secrecy and the failure thus far of those who organized and ordered its execution to reveal publicly their innermost thinking about it. But regardless of the details of how the Lavon Affair came about, the affair triggered events that accelerated the Israeli bomb program. Even absent the Lavon Affair, Israel would almost certainly have obtained the bomb. But the path to it would have been longer and more difficult, with an unpredictable impact on the power dynamics of the entire Middle East.

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