WikiLeaks To Release Classified Cables Proving Hillary Lied To FBI

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Wikileaks to release 'C' confidential emails that prove Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has promised to release another bath of Hillary Clinton emails next week that he says prove she lied to the FBI. 

Speaking on the Sean Hannity Show, Assange says he has thousands of cables from Hillary Clinton signed with a “c” that designate the information as classified. reports:

She lied to the FBI about that too.

Julian Assange: I just want to say one thing, in the FBI report released Friday I agree with your analysis. It is very strange that it was released Friday afternoon on a Labor weekend. I do think it brings up questions to what sort of game the FBI is trying to play. But Hillary Clinton says she can’t remember what a “c” in brackets stands for. Everyone in positions of government and in Wikileaks knows it stands for ‘classified confidential.’

And in fact we have already released thousands of cables by Hillary Clinton.  Here she is “Clinton” see, that’s her signature.  With a “c” in brackets right there.  We have thousands of examples where she, herself has used this “c” in brackets and signed it off. And more than 22,000 times that she has received cables from others with this “c” in brackets.

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