Police: France Is on the Brink of ‘Total Collapse’

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France on brink of total collapse, ex-police officers warn

France is on the brink of total collapse thanks to illegal immigration, draconian lockdowns and rampant criminality, according to a group of 93 former police officers.



  1. The only way to save France would be to prohibit Muslims from voting and put policies in place to encourage them to give up Islam or leave France. An ideology that encourages men to rape their wives and slaves, impose special taxes on non-Muslims and behead those who oppose Islam in any way, is not compatible with Western democracy.

  2. Remember when Trump was making great progress in relations with russia ? Then recall how Macron surprised everyone by doing the same ? Extending the olive branch and so the trio creating a triple alliance between Russia France and America. Remember who freaked out totally ? Theres your answer Whose plans would be ruined by that alliance between those 3 superpowers ? Its that simple All of Frances problems began immediately after that .

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