NHS Staff Told To Treat All Patients As Gender Neutral

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The UK Health Secretary has ordered an urgent investigation into new guidelines that tells NHS staff to treat all patients as gender-neutral.

Steve Barclay is demanding answers after learning that the taxpayers had funded the guide to ‘inclusive communication’.

The woke guide instructs doctors and nurses to keep a straight face and constant tone of voice when quizzing patients about their sexual orientation or gender. They are told not to use phrases such as ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ or ‘he’ and ‘she’ until a patient has confirmed their gender identity.

They are also told to remember that this information may have changed since the patient’s last appointment

The Mail Online reports: The 16-page document features a foreword by Dr Michael Brady, national adviser for LGBT health at NHS England, who describes it as a ‘must read’ for all health and social care professionals.

It has been produced by researchers who received a £164,964 government grant to study how clinicians could improve their communication with LGBT patients and present their findings as ‘evidence-based guidance’ for them to follow.

Critics questioned why civil servants had considered it a better use of funds than providing more operations or ambulances.

The Department of Health warned that removing gendered language risked ‘unintended adverse health consequences’.

A source close to Mr Barclay, who is said to have ‘hit the roof’ after the guide was unearthed by the Mail, revealed he had launched an investigation into the spending, adding: ‘Taxpayers’ money needs to be invested in fixing the NHS so it can provide better care for patients, not squandered on woke pamphlets.’

The National Institute for Health and Care Research, which bankrolled the research and guidance, is one of the UK’s largest funders of health and care research and is funded directly by the Department of Health and Social Care.


  1. Hormones do change with age. And drugs medications illness stress diet vaccinations etc. Nothing dies stay the same People are taught to act consistently It’s not necessarily their true reality It’s performance You know, what’s that term for actors who can’t come out of character?
    Anyway some people are like a lump of cincrerte a blockhead, and others are fluid.

  2. Ah, the Jewish Disease! Sexual Insanity!
    Where would we be without it!?
    See why God told us NOT to give our planet to them!?

    • God also said something else about the Jews. He said, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” – Genesis 12:3

      And that blessing is still up for grabs. It hasn’t gone away.

      Let me give you a quick crash course on the Jews. Are they stubborn? Oh yes. Are many of them liberal, even atheistic? Sadly, yes. Many are still angry with God over the Holocaust, and many remain blind because they adhere to rabbinic traditions rather than investigate the Word for themselves.

      But when you do investigate the Word, what do you actually find? Over and over, God refers to the Jews as His People. That He’ll never fully cast them off. Please note, I’m referring to what the Word actually says in a proper translation like the KJV– not what somebody has altered the Word to say. Plain sense hermeneutics is a lost art these days.

      Now, let’s consider satan. satan hates the Jews. Why? Because they are God’s Chosen People. It’s a spiritual hatred. There would be no irrational, spiritual hatred toward them if this wasn’t so. If they weren’t truly His People, you wouldn’t even be here expending this much energy uselessly hating on them. You wouldn’t even care about them!

      Now, is there another reason for satan’s hatred of the Jews? Of course there is. Besides being the Chosen People, it is foretold that during the Tribulation Period, a remnant of Jews will have their eyes opened to the reality of Who Jesus is. They will finally recognize Jesus as the Messiah and they will cry out to Him, which helps herald the Second Coming.

      Once the Second Coming occurs, guess what happens to satan? It’s Bottomless Pit time for him! … Something he desperately wants to avoid. In satan’s narcissistically warped mind, he believes that if he destroys all the Jews, then that means there will be no surviving remnant that cries out to Jesus… thus preventing the Second Coming.

      And no Second Coming means no Bottomless Pit for him.

      So when you see people, especially Christians, hating on the Jews, guess whose spirit is really living inside them?

      By hating on the Jews, guess whose bidding and team someone is actually playing for?

      Hint: Not God’s Team.

      The Holy Spirit would never lead someone to hate anyone– least of all God’s Chosen People. And if your bible tells you to hate the Jews and the land of Israel doesn’t belong to them, then you’re reading an entirely different– and false– bible.

      Now before you trod out whatever Ashkenazi, Black Hebrew, Bilderberg, Jesuit nonsense you got from some mile-long backwater website to vindicate your spiritually satanic hatred of the Jews, I would advise you to wake up and read the room:

      – You can either go on hating them, adopting and carrying the same spirit as satan and continue to play ball for his team…

      – Or you can stop. It’s as easy as that.

      The blessing and cursing still applies. I can’t speak for you, but as for me… I’m not going to play russian roulette when it comes to God’s Judgment and People. If God says He’ll curse those who curse His People, then I’m going to take Him literally on that promise.

      You’re ultimately free to do and believe whatever you want, but just know… You are not on God’s Team by hating His People. The Jews are blind and stubborn, yes. But God’s going to deal with them on His Terms.

      And His Terms including cursing those who curse His People…

  3. The whole gender thing well most of it is cultural and not factual. Boys and girls till the age of hormones have from the neurological point of view no different brain, therefore to identify as girl or boy is truly just cultural. In reality both are capable of the same things depending if matriarchal or patriarchal society different attributes are given to gender. Normally when a women is young she has no male hormones but in age many women get tiny mustache and estrogen goes down. A young men normally has testestorone in old age it goes down some become more calme. So the whole gender thing is pointless, you can be annoying and complicated as a men and as a woman to want to change your own gender doesn’t solve anything it just brings later more health problems as depression or cancer, same goes for inplants, you have to exchange them regularly. As long their is dignity it doesn’t matter what they call you.

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