MIT: Half Of American Children Will Get Autism By 2025

Fact checked
By 2025 half of the children born in the United States will be diagnosed with autism, according to Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT.

By 2025 half of the children born in the United States will be diagnosed with autism, according to Stephanie Seneff, a Senior Research Scientist at MIT and author of over 170 peer-reviewed scholarly articles.

Seneff notes that autism diagnoses have been exploding in recent years, which she claims can be attributed to heavy-duty vaccines and the use of glyphosate, a chemical in the popular weed killer Roundup, owned by Monsanto.


President Trump has also voiced concern about the autism epidemic in children, blaming heavy-duty doses of vaccines delivered in short time frames.

Wearechange reports: Seneff also has an online presentation on the topic, which furthermore claims that glyphosate is “an antibiotic that preferentially kills the good bacteria.” She also states that “we depend on our gut bacteria in many ways.”

Monsanto says on their website that “farmers, as well as homeowners and others, have been using Roundup® and other glyphosate products for more than 40 years,” a quote which illustrates the break between a prominent work of research and the reality of the food industry.


Recently Dr. Michael Antoniou of the UK has come forward with another study that also concludes that glyphosate and Roundup are not as harmless as Monsanto might like to admit.

As reported by the Center for Research on Globalization, Antoniou describes his study by saying that “for the very first time we have established a causative link between an environmentally relevant level of daily ingestion of Roundup and a serious disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.”

In other words, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, and the other complications pointed out by Dr. Seneff might not be the only things you have to worry about if you consume this substance.

Because of the widespread use of Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate, sources have pointed out that it can now be found in human urine, water, and even in genetically modified food.

For more information on glyphosate, check out Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s full lecture below.

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry

Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
Baxter Dmitry


  1. Vaccines are a major problem. But these diseases are new. Liberals/establishment people can eschew history and once again devise another makeshift narrative to attempt and replace fact with. It doesn’t change the facts. There never was autism. Period. The poorest loser would have had a 160-200 IQ by today’s standards. Never Alzheimer’s. Never ADHD. Never Parkinson’s. Never anxiety disorders. Never cancer. Never any allopathic EUGENICS-labeled diseases. They’re all brand new.

    Because people pump themselves and their kids full of heavy metals, toxins, and estrogen. Because the soils have been wiped of minerals thanks to daming everything up, electricity having people avoid getting minerals from wood ash fertilizer, and modern agricultural practices. Add this to the fact that no one eats enough saturated fat, EFAs nor cholesterol for maintenance of the human brain or body. Add this to the fact that people splurge on sugar and refined carbs as some sort of necessary fuel. When they eat meats, they create cancer-feeding hockey pucks. Well done meat = path to cancer. No one will have a good gut while eating grass grains. All the non-butter oils and grass grains also destroy the gut. Get rid of them. Everything is just backwards.

    After the vaccine awareness, people also have to learn about colloidal minerals. It’s not a joke. Wallach is a salesman for his company, but he IS right about the 91 and no one is catching on. People have to have a baseline of supplementation (minerals, vitamins, and EFAs), no grasses (gluten) in diet and good clean diet. Without it, the entire human race will be wiped. When we are all to be autistic, which frighteningly is the end result of the current, unchanged path, we will no longer be human. We will be socially inept, confused, spiritless, soulless, pill-popping state-worshipping and depending robots. We are all far more capable.

    Just look at difference in people born in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s. People have to get a grip and wake up. Stop popping pills and shooting s#*% up! We can have all these sweets with non-sugar sweeteners. We can get rid of this Euro grass-eating plague (humans never ate gluten, any foods with grass grains underwent fermentation of some sort. Even real beer is gluten free. Also, wheat was for poor people) and go back to real grains. We can also, of course, put a great dent on yet another fetish – vaccination. It will not happen until we demand it out of the market and establishment. That drive and change of course can’t come any sooner.

  2. Autistic people can’t fight to take their country back from the (((banking cartel))). Vaccines are weapons of mass destruction.

  3. Anyone who vaccinates their children, are harming them. Parents are supposed to protect their children, not purposely harm them.

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