Hollywood Celebs Carry Trump’s Head on Pike at LA Protest

Fact checked
Hollywood liberals carry President Trump's head on a pike during L.A. protests

Far-left Hollywood celebrities took to the streets of Los Angeles on Tuesday night, carrying President Trump’s severed head on a pike.

“Hey, you know what’s great?” disgraced ex-congresswoman Katie Hill asked the the crowd at L.A.’s pro impeachment rally. “Everything is a blessing and curse right? But tonight, I can be here, and I’m not a member of congress, and this a solemn, solemn thing, but I can say tonight, IT’S TIME TO IMPEACH THE MOTHER F***ER!”

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Also on hand was Alyssa Milano, who ranted about being angry and pre-menopausal. “Hello, snowflakes! Listen to me very carefully. I am angry, if he thought Greta was angry he’s seen nothing yet! I’m pre-menopausal and I am angry!”

Some astute Tweeters recognized how scripted her speech was.

Breitbart reports:

Signs — most homemade — included: “Impeach and Remove”; “Trump Is Not Above the Law”; and simply “Impeach 45.” Less polite signs included “Fuck Cheeto Voldemort” and “Make the Asshole Go Away,” the latter a play on Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

One man carried a rubber head of Trump on a pike. He told Breitbart News he wished it were the real thing.

The Breitbart article features many more pictures of the triggered snowflakes.


  1. Ah, that’s the tolerant left for you. They only pull stunts like this because they have a bunch of brain-dead followers. I say use the video to identify the ring leaders and arrest them for treason. Let them rot in some stinking hole for the rest of their lives. Imagine what would have happen if the anti-Obama crowd did this 8 years ago???

  2. Katie Hill, we have all seen you naked; you resigned in disgrace, and you still blame someone else for your stupid judgement.
    We don’t care what you think.

  3. Did you know the word “holly-wood” comes from the wood witches have historically used to make their wands. Even Harry potters wand was made of “hollywood”

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