Greens In Germany Plan To Ban Natives From Applying For A Third of Govt Jobs

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job application

The ruling Greens in the German the city of Hanover are planning to ban a third of native citizens from applying for government jobs, all in the name of promoting “diversity”

A third of vacancies within the city of Hanover will be reserved exclusively for migrant applicants, according to new proposals by the local Green party.

Managing director of the Greens parliamentary group, Turkish-born Filiz Polat declared last week that “a green mayor makes the difference!”

Polat was referring to Hanover Mayor Belit Onay, also of Turkish heritage, who came to power in November 2019.

In a tweet, Polat confirmed that “By the end of 2026, a third of all newly advertised positions in the city should be filled by applicants with a migration background”

InfoWars reports: In an effort to vastly increase the number of foreign-origin migrants in positions of local authority, a draft resolution brought by the city’s integration committee will ensure that the “target figure for all new hires is 30 percent.”

As part of a program to establish Hanover’s status as an “immigration city,” the government will also launch a PR campaign to “motivate young people from immigrant families to take advantage of the wide range of training and study opportunities in the state capital.”

“The campaign will comprise a “Day of Diversity” at local schools, while further developing “anti-racist coaching” across authorities and public bodies. A prize will also be awarded for “migrant companies” in the local area,” reports ReMix News.

Critics of the proposal assert that it is completely unconstitutional and violates anti-discrimination laws.

Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, an FDP member of the Bundestag, said the plan was “evidently unconstitutional, if I understand our Basic Law correctly.”

“What happens to the other two-thirds?” Lambsdorff asked in a tweet. “Are they reserved for organic Germans?”

Lambsdorff pointed out that reserving any jobs purely on the basis of someone’s ethnicity or migrant background, whether they be Germans or foreigners, is unconstitutional.


  1. It’s reverse psychology They the ruling elite all know that committed atrostricities during colonialism Atrocities not in any history book but in the family CIRCLES and their community values.
    So they’re pretending that they’re the nice ones and the revolting peasants are the guilty. How dare they complain that were being so nice you Aren’t they awful Not like us.

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