Gov. Whitmer on Biden Rape Allegation: Not Every Claim of Sexual Assault Is Equal

Fact checked
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer defends Biden, says not all sexual assault accusations are equal

Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said she did not give Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh the presumption of innocence when he was accused of sexual assault because not all allegations are “equal.” 

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, Whitmer said:

“As a survivor, and as a feminist, I’ll say this. We need to give people an opportunity to tell their story. Then we have a duty to vet it. And just because you’re a survivor doesn’t mean that every claim is equal.

It means we give them the ability to make their case, and the other side as well, and then make a judgment that is informed,” she continued. 

Whitmer, who has been floated as Biden’s possible pick for Vice President, said she has considered Tara Reade’s violent sexual allegations against Biden, as well as the former vice president’s denial, in coming to her conclusion to believe Biden.

“I have read a lot about this current allegation. I know Joe Biden, and I’ve watched his defense. There’s not a pattern that goes into this. And I think for these reasons, I’m very comfortable that Joe Biden is who he says he is. And you know what, that’s all I’m going to say about it. I really resent the fact that every time a case comes up, all of us survivors have to weigh in. It is reopening wounds, and it is— you know, take us at our word, ask us for our opinion, and let’s move on.



  1. Gretchen Whitmer’s sexual assult on Americans is not the same, just worse. That Nazi bitch needs to be put in Jail

  2. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” –Animal Farm, George Orwell

  3. We know what behaviour is inappropriate for a presidential candidate And sticky fingers is in appropriate. They love using inappropriate as their weapon well paybacks a bitch so suck it up.

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