Fact Checkers Freak Out after Biden Says ‘New World Order Is Coming’

Fact checked
President Joe Biden admits the 'New World Order' is coming

In a rare moment of lucidity, Joe Biden admitted that a ‘New World Order’ aimed at drastically reshaping humanity is imminent thanks to the carefully orchestrated war unfolding in Ukraine.

“You know, we are at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy – not just the world economy, the world – occurs every three or four generations,” Biden declared Monday during a Business Roundtable event.


“And now’s the time when things are shifting. There’s gonna be a New World Order out there. And we’ve gotta lead it. And we’ve gotta unite the rest of the free world in doing it,” he admitted.

Infowars.com reports: As we’ve reported, the elites’ New World Order plan is tied to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, which seeks to use the COVID-19 crisis to accelerate a controlled deindustrialization of society and abolish property rights.

Notably, Biden alluded to the cycles of history described by William Strauss and Neil Howe in their book “The Fourth Turning“, which outlines dramatic cyclical shifts in society that occur roughly every 100 years due to natural rhythms of the human lifespan.

But this cycle is markedly different because it’s the elites themselves who want to spur this change to fulfill their preplanned outcome rather than allow the natural rhythm of humanity to take its course.

And what is the elites’ preplanned outcome? Professor Carroll Quigley said it best in his seminal work “Tragedy & Hope”:

The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

But how can this happen? Well, as Biden just said, by fundamentally transforming the global economy in favor of the New World Order.

At this point in modern history, the most effective way to do that is to destroy the dollar’s world reserve status.

As scholar G. Edward Griffin noted in his book “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” the dollar’s world reserve currency status has allowed the United States to spend much more than it earned, creating massive trade deficits which are otherwise impossible for other countries to accumulate:

As long as the dollar remains in high esteem as a trade currency, America can continue to spend more than it earns. But when the day arrives—as it certainly must—when the dollar tumbles and foreigners no longer want it, the free ride will be over. When that happens, hundreds of billions of dollars that are now resting in foreign countries will quickly come back to our shores as people everywhere in the world attempt to convert them into yet more real estate, factories, and tangible products, and to do so as quickly as possible before they become even more worthless.

As this flood of dollars bids up prices, we will finally experience the inflation that should have been caused in years past but which was postponed because foreigners were kind enough to take the dollars out of our economy in exchange for their products.

Using the Ukraine conflict as the catalyst, America has weaponized the dollar against Russia by banning the country from participating in the global SWIFT system, which is dollar denominated.

Additionally, the U.S. has even begun sanctioning Chinese officials over the Communist nation’s genocide of the Uyghur population.

Predictably, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, and even the European Union are now discussing ways to decouple themselves from the dollar with new trade deals in favor of using the Chinese yuan.

The dollar’s dominance – and therefore America’s global dominance – is fast coming to an end, and when it does, the globalist-driven shift toward its New World Order will be all but complete.

Watch Biden’s full remarks:


  1. They’re scrambling to explain this one away like these rats they are. Fact checkers are the most bias. Little scrawny-necked nerds that sit in front of their desktops all day getting paid tree fiddy per post to troll. They’ll go deep sea fishing in order to prove that Biden was just joking.

  2. It’s not natural that they try to time things to the 100 year cycle It’s un naturaland so that’s why they, who hate truth and beauty, being natural, do it 2021 or 2022 ties with Mussolini, fascist, resetting the Vatican s legal powers in 1921 or 22.After during the. Napoleonic era they were stripped and the Pope imprisoned.
    That restoration of theur Power quickly led to the fascist Incorporation of all nations by their requirement to register themselves as Corporations. Simultaneously Common Law, the Morality of the will of the people as the Authority for rule of law was stolen away, and now they, using blackmail able Obama, has been given to the Pope as Autocrat King of the Holy See to reign over America and the World.
    They desperately tried to start ww3 from 2014, you clearly saw them pushing hard to create a conflict starting in the middle East, threatening iran then Russia and even China trying to keep their un “natural” 100 year cycle going.
    If it weren’t for the totally unexpected win by Trump, Hilary, great grand daughter of Churchill, would have started ww3 on their timetable. As a good girl Obedient.
    Anyway now they’re desperately running late. But they can fill the history books with pte war “Russian collusion” stories by censoring and editing news to fit the agenda for the future generations who will swallow it as gospel just as today’s innocents swallow yesterday’s “history” stories.

  3. WW-1 was over before biddin4that was bornt and dah brits did gain some ground after thier age of slave trading and settlers colonies but they lost most power by WW2,But they have gained some power back in the USA again with thier sinclair media takeover propaganda generating so now we see this progression again in history repeat again and again and again.The common wealth could NEVER set on thier hands and let someone else run it or control it-but sorry your too late unless you can break the iron curtain and chinese`s backs first as they are the NEW slaves you don`t own and russia has ALL the meat in endless natural resouces still in the ground KAZAKHSTAN? is a GAG order right from XI& putin talk about it loose your GAS.Sinclair EVEN NEWS BLACKED OUT the lost island? largest land locked country in the WORLD? where the F did it go? where`s the BEEF trading places? it`s in the ground in K-zack and thoughout russia including the the head of the WTO putin`s grains #1 again.Your too to to late as if you wanted to take over the world again WW1 and thoughout history you would of had to move on the natural resouces ages ago-your TOO late blowing up the world won`t change that TERM LIMITs not puppets on war parade killin off the poor kids again for smits and giggles WORLD LEADERs no career crime and 1% war lobbySS

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