Don’t like the PC mob? Well now that makes YOU a terror threat

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Don’t like the PC mob? Well now that makes YOU a terror threat

We are on the verge of founding Britain’s first Thought Police.

Using the excuse of terrorism – whose main victim is considered thought – Theresa May’s Home Office is making a law which attacks free expression in this country as it has never been attacked before.

We already have some dangerous laws on the books. The Civil Contingencies Act can be used to turn Britain into a dictatorship overnight, if politicians can find an excuse to activate it.

But the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, now slipping quietly and quickly through Parliament, is in a way even worse. It tells us what opinions we should have, or should not have.

As ever, terrorism is the pretext. Yet there is no evidence to suggest that the criminal drifters, school drop-outs and drug-addled losers who do much terrorist dirty work (and whose connections with vast worldwide conspiracies are sketchy to say the least) will be even slightly affected by it.

Read More: Don’t like the PC mob? Well now that makes YOU a terror threat

1 Comment

  1. UK has always been a totalitarian government.

    Democrat-Neocon greasy vermin in the US are desperately trying to fully pervert the US so that it emulates the UK and its totalitarian, diversity supremacist democracy.

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