End Is Nigh: Donald Trump Calls For Drug Test Before Last Debate

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donald trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggests Hillary Clinton has been taking illegal performance enhancing drugs during presidential debates.

In a typical Trump move the Donald has gone on the attack to defend recent accusations of him having molested women at random throughout his life as a billionaire playboy.

The apprentice politician running for one of the most important jobs in the world is now challenging his Democratic rival to take a drug test before Wednesday’s third and final U.S. presidential debate.

Trump says Hillary has been “getting pumped up” and is afraid she will do it again Wednesday.

He calls for a blood test before the final debate, saying athletes do it all the time.

CNN Politics reports:

Trump argued that Clinton was more energetic during the beginning of their debate last Sunday, but lost her steam by the end of the debate. He offered no evidence to back up his wild claim.

“I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate,” Trump said during a rally here. “Because I don’t know what’s going on with her, but at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end it was like, huff, take me down. She could barely reach her car.”

Trump appeared to be conflating the debate with last month’s 9/11 ceremony where Clinton struggled to get inside her van on her own due to a bout with pneumonia.

Reached for comment, the Clinton campaign said Trump is trying to depress voter turnout by his “shameful attempts to undermine an election weeks before it happens.”

Trump has repeatedly questioned Clinton’s “strength and stamina,” raising concerns about her physical and mental fitness to be president — all without providing any evidence for his claims.

But Trump’s suggestion that Clinton has been taking drugs in order to perform well at the presidential debates is a new step for him.

“A lot of things are going on, folks. A lot of things. I think she’s actually getting pumped, you want to know the truth? She’s getting pumped up,” Trump said Saturday. “She’s getting pumped up for Wednesday.”

Trump added that presidential candidates are “like athletes” and should undergo drug screenings before the next debate.

“Athletes, they make them take a drug test. I think we should take a drug test prior to the debate,” Trump said. “I’m willing to do it.”

1 Comment

  1. Ha, ha, ha!… yeah!… now Trump (a.k.a., the “G_roping O_ffensive P_erv”!) can be tested to determine whether he’s hopped up on Viagra!… and currently using penacillin! But!… it would also be a good idea to have this character checked for vials of Rohypnol, GHB, and Special K! W-h-a-t a j-o-k-e!… no wonder RNC donors are “pulling the plug” on this “kitten oficionado”! This guy’s heading for a brick wall, A-N-D H-E-‘-S F-L-O-O-R-I-N-G H-I-S V-E-H-I-C-L-E!
    Folks!… if you thought the allegations of Trump’s alleged Sexual Assaults weren’t shocking enough for you, you might want to have a look at the reporting in URLs, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html… and… http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/306274/trump-court-date-set-jane-doe-child-rape-lawsuit/… and… https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/oct/12/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-alleged-rape-lawsuit… and– if confirmed!– we could very well see the first ever arrest of a Presidential Candidate for CHILD ABUSE!!
    And so… in addition to checking out Trump for Viagra, penicillin, and possession of date rape drugs, maybe we can bring groups like RAINN.org and the National Children’s Advocacy Center down to the 3rd Presidential debate to voice their concerns about Trump’s SET COURT DATE involving allegations of C-H-I-L-D R-A-P-E!
    Hillary!… stay home!… this guy’s going NOWHERE!… save– and if GOD, and the courts, are willing!– to J-A-I-L!!
    Please!… no emails!

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