Islamists ‘Furious’ After Denmark Bans Burka

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Denmark bans wearing of Burka in public

Denmark has joined several other countries in completely banning the burka in public, sparking fury within Islamic the community.

In response to the public concern over Sharia Law, where women are punished for not wearing an all black veil that covers their entire body and face, the government have decided to step in and crackdown before its too late. reports:  The citizens of Denmark have watched Sweden, Germany, and France fall to the scourge of Islamic extremism in recent years. They’ve seen these countries become invaded by migrants, who statistically use more welfare than non-migrants, they’ve seen European culture fade, and they’ve seen this religion of peace spread.

In response, several European countries have begun banning symbols of Muslim extremism, according to the Associated Press. This marks one of the largest steps against the Islamic faith which European nations have taken in recent times.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Denmark will join other European countries banning full-face covering, including Islamic veils such as the niqab or burqa.

Jakob Ellemann-Jensen of Denmark’s liberal party that leads a center-right governing coalition says a law proposal was not aimed at any religions or a ban of scarfs, turbans or kippa, the traditional Jewish skull cap.

Ellemann-Jensen spoke Friday after a meeting in Parliament.

Even the far left Social Democratic party—the largest party in Denmark—has agreed to vote for the law, popularly known as the “Burqa Ban.” While many have accused them of being “intolerant,” the fact that they’re one of the farthest left parties in all of Denmark should shed some light to how serious a problem radical Muslims have become.

The move has been widely received as being directed towards ultra-conservative Muslim women, and it is believed that the ban will help Denmark’s indigenous peoples preserve their language, their culture, and their people. No date for a formal vote was announced, but reception seems favorable.

Austria, France, and Belgium have similar laws, and it’s not hard to see why. A growing number of European politicians have raised concerns about the globalist philosophy espoused by the EU, noting that it often leads to cultural destruction, the loss of individuality, and a surrender of self-governance.

1 Comment

  1. Go Denmark, other countries need to follow in the interests of security of their homelands.

    Why do I have to remove my motorcycle crash helmet in the gas station and when entering my local bank to show my face for security but they do not?

    This is failure and further victimising of non wearers by Amber Rudd (aka The Dud) and her government as they are allowing them “free passage” through the facial recognition & security cameras that I am forced to be surveyed with no choice. This is clearly unfair and biased against the majority of the GB population.

    Its well known in Great Britain that males are using the female dress to avoid detection of their movements between houses of worship etc.

    It is a catastrophic failure in the British government duty of keeping me and my family safe as well as other peace loving residents of GB.

    GB is continually under attack from the same old religion worshipers and you choose to persecute peaceful people who have been residents of GB from birth?

    You are a failure in duty as home secretary as you clearly can do more but wont, so please don’t put me and my fellow British residents at further risk by considering running for Prime Minister as you clearly have no value of British lives.

    Jacob Rees Mogg would be a much better home secretary and you would be better on the back benches where you are limited in damaging my great country further.

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