Former CNN Host Does Not Regret Feeding Clinton Debate Questions

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Former CNN host Donna Brazile has finally admitted that she handed the Hillary Clinton campaign debate questions during the primaries last year.

Former CNN host Donna Brazile has finally admitted that she handed the Hillary Clinton campaign debate questions during the primaries last year. 

Brazile says that she has absolutely no regrets in rigging the primary debate against Bernie Sanders, in an conceited essay penned for Time.

The former CNN Democratic analyst passed questions to members of Clinton’s inner circle during the last stages of the 2016 election, and was only caught after Wikileaks released emails proving she had done so. reports:

Brazile dodged questions about these actions for months, and CNN ended up cutting ties with her while she was serving as the interim head of the Democratic National Committee.

On Friday, Brazile penned an essay for TIME where she talked about the importance of launching an investigation into the Trump administration’s apparent connections to Russia.

As Brazile talked about how the Russians interfered with the election to President Trump‘s advantage, she reflected on how the e-mails about her were part of a strategy to destabilize the DNC.

From TIME:

In October, a subsequent release of emails revealed that among the many things I did in my role as a Democratic operative and D.N.C. Vice Chair prior to assuming the interim D.N.C.

Chair position was to share potential town hall topics with the Clinton campaign.

I had been working behind the scenes to add more town hall events and debates to the primary calendar, and I helped ensure those events included diverse moderators and addressed topics vital to minority communities.

My job was to make all our Democratic candidates look good, and I worked closely with both campaigns to make that happen. But sending those emails was a mistake I will forever regret.

Brazile defended herself by saying that she received support from Bernie Sanders‘ former staff, yet the “selective” e-mail leaks fragmented party unity. Brazile concluded that Congress must take action to investigate Trump, and work on increasing online safeguards for political organizations.


  1. As you can see here, the top Demophiles do not have a moral compass. Maybe that is why so many of them are involved in this pedophile scandal.

  2. Fucking stupid conceited nigger… umm are we allowed to use the nigger word on here?….or is that not politically correct???.. I know there are levels of political correctness on different sites…. ohh mummy I am so confused…lol

  3. She got into her position by cheating & lying – that’s what she used to. Got her position because of her color as well news Whore

  4. Brazile’s behavior, her Time magazine essay, and the headline of this article should all be criticized.

    The Time essay is a propaganda vehicle, primarily focused on flagging the fake, idiotic “Putin did it. They are the bad guys.” story. However, Brazile *claims* in the essay that she tried to be fair and that the e-mails showing preference for Clinton were isolated mistakes. Whether that is true or not, the headline here is misleading.

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