Clinton’s Campaign Team Were Warned Of Global Extinction Event

Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

Hillary Clinton‘s campaign team was warned of a mass extinction event in 20 years time as the north pole heads south towards the equator.

Emails released by WikiLeaks from Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta show communications from a Canadian man claiming to be part of a secretive governmental organisation.

The man who works for a DARPA like Canadian organisation says Clinton campaign has information about earth’s magnetic poles shifting position and knowledge of UFOs and aliens.

He says aliens may know a thing or two about the upcoming earth-shattering event and urges for more co-operation and revelations by Clinton and the powers that be, otherwise “we could all be dead in 20 years.”

The Sunday Express reports:

The writer of the email, sent to Mr Podesta, called himself Ken Coffin and claimed that the movement of the magnetic north pole could see humans wiped of the face of the Earth.

The man, who said he was from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, claimed: “I represent a Canadian organisation that doesn’t exist that looks like DARPA, but works with the government to pursue positive growth business.”

The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a genuine US agency which develops new technology to boost national security.

Mr Coffin said: “Our interests lie in the contribution to the positive growth of humanity.

“We think that we can make the world better, happier and more peaceful.

“But we can’t do that if we are about to see a mass extinction event occur.

“With the magnetic north pole moving towards the equator, we need help.

“Magnetic North now over Siberia. In 10 years it will be over the black sea. In 20 years it will be over Indonesia.”

The magnetic north pole is currently drifting south at around 25 miles per year, with scientists predicting it could travel to Asia within a few decades.

This means we could be in the run up to a geomagnetic reversal, when the poles actually flip, but that is not likely for a few thousand years, and it has happened many times before, with no significant impact on global populations.

The email, which is likely to be a hoax, goes on to claim the US Government has reached a secret deal with a superior alien race, but Canada has been left in the dark, and it may only be the extra terrestrials who can save mankind.

He added: “I was curious as to why NASA is feeding the Canadian Space Agency with wrong or misinformation regarding certain anomaly scenarios that are occurring.

“Our intelligence is limited. Why are we being shut out and shut down?

“We require full disclosure of all alien contact and all treaties the US has agreed to with the aliens.

“We might have weak intelligence, but we have ascertained that we are food, labour, and resource generators for the alien overlords.

“Our information came from your own Department of Defence, casually and off the record by credible sources.

“Now we want to know if we are going to be dealt a hand at the table or will we be left out like last time?

“We just need to know who and what we are dealing with. What are their intentions? Are they hostile? Can we stop them if necessary? What deals were cut?

My advice is bring us to the table. We need more information because our data is currently not up to date.

“Our failed attempts at catching UFOs showed how weak we were. This is because we do not know what we are up against. We need more data.”

Returning to the magnetic shift, he added: “If we can find allies that can help we would welcome it. Or in 20 plus years we will all be dead anyway.

“If the US cut a deal, now would be a good time to start calling in favours!”

So why would Mr Podesta be sent such bizarre correspondence?

Well, he has expressed an interest in the US disclosing all confidential documents it holds about UFO sightings or aliens, and both he and Hillary Clinton have pledged to try to do this if she gets into the White House.

It could be that declaring such interests leaves the door open for such odd emails.

Mr Podesta was also sent one claiming that the mythical planet Nibiru or Planet X was true and was on collision course with earth.

All we can do now is hope these emails ARE amusing hoaxes.


Edmondo Burr
About Edmondo Burr 3498 Articles
BA Economics/Statistics CEO