Academic Study Finds Big Tech Elite Are in Their ‘Own Class’ – Different to Normal Humans

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Academic study finds Big Tech elite are in their own 'non human' class

An academic study carried out by researchers in the U.S. and Germany has found that Big Tech elites are completely different to normal humans living on the planet, and can be placed in their own exclusive class.

“Our research contributes to closing a research gap in societies with rising inequalities,” note the authors of the study from two German universities and the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies in New York. 

The research studied language used in close to 50,000 tweets and other online statements by 100 of the world’s wealthiest tech-elites as listed by Forbes.

The researchers found that big-tech elites such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates display a ‘meritocratic’ worldview, meaning they do not see massive wealth as a source of power, but instead believe their innate abilities and altruistic beliefs have enabled them to achieve power.

“We find that the 100 richest members of the tech world reveal distinctive attitudes that set them apart both from the general population and from other wealthy elites,” the study claims. reports: The findings reveal that big-tech elites consistently talk about believing in democracy, being philanthropic, and helping make the world a better place for other people.

“Yet their position in a democratic system is contradictory – as a result of their enormous wealth, they have disproportionate influence over how discretionary income is spent,” the researchers note.

The researchers found that language used by the tech-elites regularly includes words such as ‘merit’, ‘distinct’, ‘excellent’, ‘value’, ‘virtue’, ‘advantage’, ‘superiority’, ‘worth’, ‘perfect’, ‘important’ and ‘significant’.  

The researchers also note that “The tech elite may be thought of as a ‘class for itself’ in Marx’s sense – a social group that shares particular views of the world, which in this case means meritocratic, missionary, and inconsistent democratic ideology.”

The researchers noted that the study had limitations, ironically owing to the fact that they were not able to access language used by all the top 100 tech-elites because Twitter is banned in China.

The Twitter accounts they were able to access could also be managed by PR professionals and are obviously public projections of how the tech elites want to be thought of by the public at large, therefore the language used may be ‘strategic’.

Nevertheless, the findings go some way to explaining why big-tech elites are so inclined to censor and de-platform those who hold world views at odds with their own.


  1. It is nit just hug tech elites it’s all elites .They are in their minds ,in a separate class from the great unwashed masses of middle class and peasants .They despise them really and want to turn them into some creatures if their creation with their morality and values and sexuality and mores and norms. They want to condition them into some sort of frankensteins monster of anything and everything but the original genetic code whilst they eat nothing but organic foods and have rhe best medical care from the best holistic practitioners and live in the most pristine natural environments rheir own private islands and so on .All that whilst the masses are like sideshow alley freak show eating GMO ,obese ,grotesque deformities with the morality of alley cats who want nothing but work work work and play ,an easy lay and pizza . .

  2. It goes so much deeper than anyone can imagine. These people control information on every level. The news stories they choose the public not to see are taken down by AI so fast that you don’t even have time to snap an image with your phone. Anyone that honestly thinks the Tech Ruling Class thinks in terms of Democracy, Dem/Rep, is mental. “To those who have much, everything will be given. To those who have little, everything will be taken.” That is the truth. Those are the facts. All of this Tech, as I am writing this, is captured and logged. They know who I am and what I think of them. If I somehow became to big a voice of unmitigated opposition, I will be “disappeared” from this earth AND SO WILL YOU! I think this is why so many people around the world are so angry. We woke up and realized we are enslaved and our Freedom was really just an illusion. If you have money, they can take it from you without permission. Case and Point. The New Jersey Gym owners. $165K removed from their account by the Government for unconstitutional fines levied, which they used for legal defense against the state. Now, they are powerless to defend themselves.

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